Our Iveco and Hyundai are equipped with a tugball.
This enables us to accept a trailer (for excess luggage, mountainbikes, ...).
Scenic Tours has its own trailer.
Characteristics of this
box trailer - twin axle - unbraked:
- Max. total weight: 750 kg
- empty weight:
- usefull load:
kgDimensions: 2.50 x 1.25 x 1.50 m = 4.7 cbm.
Scenic Tours sprl
Chaussée Romaine, 10
B-5500 Dinant
phone/fax: +32-(0)82-21 96 37
GSM: +32-(0)475-24 26 50
email: info@scenic-tours.be
Skype: scenic-tours
Windows Live Messenger: info@scenic-tours.be