The tours (by small coach) are destined to (small) groups and run on request only. The reasons for this are: quality and conviviality (no mass tourism) at a reasonable cost per person.

"Technically", all these tours can of course be run for individuals and small private parties (up to 3-4 persons). The cost per person, in that case, is than of course naturally (much) higher than the cost per person for a (small) group travelling in a (small) coach.

Some specific tours might be open to individuals, and would than be advertised as such.
In that case, a minimum number of participants might be required.
If the minimum required number of participants would not be reached in due time (which is minimum 15 days before departure), the participants would, of course, be advised accordingly and get a full refund.

Creation date :11/08/2004 @ 16:52Last update :28/04/2007 @ 12:04Print the article

Yes, of course ! Tours can be arranged out of any other place, in Dinant (station, your hotel, ...) or elsewhere (Namur, Brussels, ...).

Creation date :18/08/2004 @ 11:55Last update :04/11/2006 @ 11:52Print the article

We are not (yet) equipped to accept payments by debitcard or creditcard.

Creation date :13/04/2006 @ 15:00Last update :04/11/2006 @ 11:53Print the article

Advance booking is, for a number of reasons such as availability of coach, driver, guide, ... always required.

Creation date :11/08/2004 @ 16:54Last update :04/11/2006 @ 11:52Print the article

We aren't an event organizer (teambuilding, incentive, ...) as such, but a transporter (coach operator) organizing a number of activities, exclusively destined to the clients we transport.

Creation date :10/01/2006 @ 09:08Last update :04/11/2006 @ 11:53Print the article

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